World of warships na forums
World of warships na forums

Not sure if Warships will be the same, but in Tanks. Time is money, and many people would simply grind premium ships to quite honestly save countless days upon days of real world life.

world of warships na forums

Now, in my tier 8 premium tank? A good round would net me close to 120,000 credits, and a shitty loss would never be below 30,000. However on average, it would be like 12-17k. If I had like 4-5 kills in a game and played like a boss I could get away with maybe 30,000 in game credits. In my case, lets say I play a tier 8 tank, regular tank. Alternatively you could buy a tier 8 premium tank. However, as it turns out even doing that would/could/can take a massive amount of in game time.

world of warships na forums

The only way to get around this was to subsidize your income by playing lower tier tanks to simply make money. What that meant was as you grind through tier 9 to 10, you are actually losing credits while you edge along in XP. it was pretty par for course that unless you were dominating every round, you would actually leave net negative with in-game credits. In World of Tanks for instance, once you start playing in Tier 9's. By all means, do Just know that you are investing a magnitude of more time than if you had a premium ship is all.

World of warships na forums